City Forum - Stadtforum
helga fassbinder
About the history of the Stadtforum Berlin:
In 1990 on a big meeting organized by the two Evangelic Academies East Berlin and West Berlin I put the idea of a Stadtforum on table which was picked up by Senator Hassemer. In the period 1990-1996 this idea was brought into practice and step by step worked out. It stopped in this form in 1997.
Since 2004 the Stadtforum Berlin is again in function as a place of dialogue - the Senat für Stadtentwicklung Berlin has opened a website on it, there you can follow the recent development.
The following titles are writings which have initiated or theoretically accompanied the developement of the Stadtforum during the nineties:
The first of these writings is the lecture by which the whole experiment of a Stadtforum started with - a key note to a conference at Berlin after the fall of the wall, organized by actually concerned citizens, who mobilized their organisations: the Deutscher Werkbund Berlin and the two Evangelische Akademies in Westberlin and Ostberlin. At the same day a small working party started with the discussion about the ideas presented in the lecture, to found some sort of round table or 'city forum'.

Helga Fassbinder
Beitrag zu "Berlin - eine europäische Metropole".
Seminar zur Stadtentwicklung Stadtentwicklung und Stadtplanung
des Dt. Werkbunds Berlin und der Evangelischen Akademien Berlin.
des Dt. Werkbunds Berlin und der Evangelischen Akademien Berlin.
In: Hanseatenweg 10, Zeitschrift der Akademie der Künste Berlin, 2/1991, pp. 84-103
ebenfalls abgedruckt in:
H. Fassbinder, Stadtforum Berlin - Einübung in kooperative Planung.
Harburger Berichte zur Stadtplanung Bd.8, Hamburg 1997, S. 33 ff.,
dort unter dem Titel "Demokratie als Bauherrin der Stadt".
Helga Fassbinder
In: G.Angress u.a. (red.), Rückblick, Einblick, Ausblick.
Deutscher Werkbund Berlin, Berlin 1999,
pp.115-129 (ISBN 3-929273-29-2) |
The following article gives an overview over the principles, the structure and the experience with the Stadtforum Berlin: |
A comprehensive publication about the Stadtforum Berlin with an appendix of all documents: |

Helga Fassbinder
Harburger Berichte zur Stadtplanung Bd.8,
Hamburg 1997 (ISBN 3-9804592-5-X), 193 pp more... |
Helga Fassbinder
In: Dirk Schubert (red.): Städte für morgen. Planungen und Erfahrungen
aus Berlin, Dresden, Essen, Hamburg, Hannover, Kassel, Leipzig und München.
Gesamthochschule Kassel, Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Stadtplanung
und Landschaftsplanung, Band 22. Kassel 1995, pp. 61-80. (ISBN 3-89117-089-0).
Dito in: Wohnbund (red.): Wohnpolitische Innovationen.
Wohnbund Jahrbuch 1994.Darmstadt 1994,
pp. 16-39. (ISBN 3-89117-089-0 more...
Stadtplanung im Umbruch. |
Helga Fassbinder
In: Berlin Stadtforum Journal Nr. 14, Januar 1994. Berlin, pp. 19-21. more... |
The following article makes a comparison between two different approaches of an urban planning dialogue, a consequent and rather encouraged one at Berlin and a more cautious one at Hamburg which does not differ so much from the conventional participation exercises: |
Stadtplanung im Umbruch. Erfahrungen mit dem Berliner Stadtforum
und dem Hamburger Stadtdialog. |
Helga Fassbinder
In: Barbara Rosenberg (red.): Vom Zuschauer zum Aktivbürger.
Modelle der Bürgerbeteiligung in kommunalen Planungsprozessen.
Wien 1994, pp. 21-30. (ISBN 3-85464-005-6). more... |
Eberhardt von Einem, Helga Fassbinder
In: Martin Wentz (red.): Planungskulturen.
Frankfurt/ M. 1992, pp. 114 - 119.(ISBN 3-593-34629-X). more... |
A couple of writings about the pure facts the Stadtforum Berlin:
About the Stadtforum Berlin under Senator Hassemer in the period 1990-1996, when the idea was created and piece by piece was worked out, here two articles by the Berliner Stadtzeitung Steinschlag about the Stadtforum:
Hassemers Quasselbude (1)
Hassemers Quasselbude (2)
And here a text by the Werkstadt Dialogische Planung about the phenomenon 'round table' and
'city forum' in general - Stadtforum Berlin is treated as an example of a round table.
Helga Fassbinder
in: Managing Urban Change, ed. by Jan Verwijnen and Panu Lehtuvuori. Helsinki University of Art and Design. 1996, pag. 68-78